Thursday, June 23, 2011

No, I do not speak Korean

I'm not quite clear on why it's so very disappointing that I am Korean, but do not actually speak Korean.  I was raised by white people in America just like most of you, but I'm still lacking since I don't speak my native tongue.  When you find out someone is German, how often do you immediately throw German phrases at them, then shake your head when they say they don't speak the language.  Also, once I explain that I'm just as American as you are, so I don't understand any Korean, why do people then proceed to go through other activities they believe all Koreans should possess?  Well, can you cook Korean food?  Have you been back there?  Do you know "insert name of Asian stranger here"?  So here is my formal apology.  I am so very sorry that my appearance makes my personality and entire life disappointing for you.  I know you'd love to hear some culturally rich anecdotes, possibly even acted out for you in a traditional kimono, but I'm just another American citizen.  My apologies (hands together, slight head bow).

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