I know bartenders are not the only ones that have to explain this to people all the time. I am a full time bartender. I was, I wasn't, now I am again. It doesn't mean I'm unintelligent or an addict or running from the law. It doesn't mean I don't actually work for a living. I simply chose a profession that pays twice as much as my former office job for less work and lets me have a little more fun. Of course, just like any job, it's not all fun and games, as you soon will see.
My life is filled with hilarious stories, really good friends, and unique obstacles. I'm good at many things but great at bartending. I'm a Korean girl, or woman I guess since I'm in my thirties, living in the midwest. Don't worry, I did most of my growing up in the south, so I'm used to the racism. Here are some of my stories. They're best enjoyed with a shot of whiskey and a beer, so go stock up. I'll wait...
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