It's been a long time. No matter how much things change, it all remains the same.
I still have what people some people consider not a "real job". I'm one of the managers for a restaurant downtown. Not as many drunks, but still teeming with drama and intrigue.
My relationship with potential has now become an engagement, which I think we all knew was coming. I'm sure this will consume most of my upcoming posts. Let's face it. I am, in fact, a girl. Today, I will address an equally estrogen fueled topic. Babies.
I know it is extremely odd to live in the mid west, be from the south, and not be a mother by your mid 30's. Yes, I just described myself. I have not been married and I have had no desire to raise a child by myself or through the act of co-parenting, which is a term I'm ashamed to know and be able to use in a sentence. Point is, my under enthusiasm for children in my adult life does not mean I have no desire for babies of my own. Some of you reading this know me and my future husband personally. Let's face it. That's going to be one fucking beautiful baby.
I bring this up because a co-worker brought her newborn to work yesterday. They both look amazing. It really is a cute baby, and I'm one of those that believe they all kind of look the same until they're around 4 or 5 years old. I''m not close with the mother; we're only co-workers. I've also felt a little under the weather so I didn't feel it was appropriate to be within close proximity of this brand new human and her mother. I explained this from a safe distance and went about my business. Other co-workers took my lack of physical contact and gushing as a dislike for babies. I admit, I'm not what one would describe as nurturing or maternal, but that doesn't make me a baby hater. I started to really resent the implications when they were voiced at work, until I heard myself reply, "I like babies, I just don't like people who aren't good at their jobs." Probably not the best defense.
On a positive note, I am currently not pregnant, so no little one to put through therapy anytime soon.
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