Thursday, August 25, 2011

Men are imitating women now

After a year of being completely single and not wanting to date anyone, I'm surprised how men are reacting to the news that I now have a boyfriend.  First of all, I may or may not have led people to believe that I may in fact be a lesbian.  I take the blame for that.  Still, I'm shocked to learn that some men believed I was just waiting to until I was ready to go out with them specifically.  They get drunk and tell me their feelings are hurt. They go up to my boyfriend and act friendly, then behind his back say they don't understand why we're dating.  They whisper among themselves about what they think about our relationship and how they don't approve.  So to sum up, they are delusional, emotional, backstabbing, and gossipy.  Sound familiar?  Congratulations boys.  You should be having your first period soon.

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