Saturday, August 20, 2011

This probably isn't healthy

I just wanted to share with all of you that it is about midnight on a Saturday night and I just drank a beverage that didn't contain alcohol and literally thought my body was going into shock.  I have been drinking so much alcohol that it is making me physically uncomfortable with normal beverages. That is not a good sign.  The other day I swallowed a mouthful of Scope because I'm so used to taking shots.
I am extremely lucky to be dating another functioning alcoholic that finds my drinking habits attractive.  Because that's what I need, incentive to keep drinking. Also, we're not the kind of couple that fights when we drink.  We're the couple that just wants to make out in public and drukenly slur sweet nothings to each other.  So ladies, if you're looking for a handsome, sweet, understanding boyfriend that finds heavy drinking sexy, too late.  I'm pretty sure I snagged the last one.

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