Friday, February 18, 2011

Lying is not an exercise

I don't work out.  I don't really have to.  I should, but I'd rather drink and eat.  You don't have to be a member of anything or sign a contract to do those things.  I'm not fat or ugly, so I feel justified in wanting people to shut up about working out.  Mainly because the people that talk about it constantly can't possibly be working out as much as they say.  If you're in phenomenal shape, then I can tell you work out.  It's that easy.  If you have to tell me all the time and I question the validity of your statements, you're either doing it wrong or you're lying.  Either way, stop talking.  If you are asked to do something and you can't, that's fine.  Don't tell me you can't because it's Legs Day.  That sounds stupid.  I'm supposed to believe that exercising dominates your life so much that you have to rename the days of the week.  In that case, I can't go to the gym with you because it's Whiskey Day.  I just don't feel right if I skip Whiskey Day. 

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